
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Remember When?
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
This morning, we return to Revelation 2. Beginning this morning and for the next several Sundays, we will be looking at Jesus’ words or instructions or correspondence with the seven churches of Asia Minor or modern-day Western Turkey that we have already identified. That is chapters two and three of Revelation. John was told to write what WAS at that time, and he did.
When hearing these instructions, remember that these were actual churches of the first century with real members, and Jesus was speaking to their present condition then. However, His instructions are still applicable today and will speak to our condition. Just as we read God’s word through Paul to the churches at Rome, Corinth, Galatia, etc., and apply them to EBC, we will do the same with these.
This morning, we consider Jesus’ message to the church at Ephesus. This church was most likely the mother church of these seven churches and was extremely prominent in the first century. After all, Luke wrote about her in Acts. Paul wrote to her in Ephesians, and John recorded a message to her here.
Acts 18-19 tells us that Paul began the church. The first members of the church most likely included Priscilla and Aquila and Apollos.
We know from 1 and 2 Timothy that Timothy pastored this church, and more than likely, John was her pastor when he was banished to Patmos and at the time of this writing.
This church was doing wonderful ministry in reaching Ephesus with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ, and these first seven verses of chapter two are addressed to them.
Look at verse 1. The message was originally given to the pastor of the Ephesian Church. In this case, it would have been whomever had followed John, and he would read have read it to this congregation.
Notice who sent the message. It is the One who holds (present tense) the seven stars in His right hand, and the One who walks (present tense) among the seven golden lampstands. This is none other than the Lord Jesus. We saw this back in 1:12 and 1:16.
Remember also that the seven stars are the pastors of the churches, and the golden lampstands are the churches. That is spelled out for us in 1:20.
As we move to verse two, I want you to see Jesus’ appreciation for the Ephesian Church or His recognition, Jesus’ complication with the Ephesian Church or the His rebuke, and Jesus’ exhortation for the Ephesian Church or His resolution.
- Jesus’ Appreciation for the Ephesian Church, Revelation 2:2-3.
2 “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary.
By the way, generally speaking, this is the way Jesus will address all seven churches. He will praise them, correct them, and instruct them.
In verse 2, He told them of His appreciation for them and specifically for their works or deeds. First, He says He knows their labor. He appreciated their diligence. This was a hard-working and always-working church.
He also recognized their patience. Ministry is hard and time consuming, but that didn’t stop the Ephesian Church from doing what God called them to do and trusting God for the results.
Third, He appreciated their purity. They didn’t tolerate the sins of their members.
Also, not only were they pure in not tolerating sin, they also didn’t tolerate heresy. They tested those who said they were apostles and found them to be liars.
When Paul left Ephesus in Acts 20, he warned them of false teachers who would come after him. See Acts 20:28-30.
28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
If you skip down to verse 6, you will find that the Ephesian Church again demonstrated their purity in hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans. Allow me to make several comments here.
First of all, notice they hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans and not the Nicolaitans themselves. Therefore, it does seem possible to hate the sin without hating the sinner. I pray EBC would do the same.
Second, it is imperative EBC hate the things that the Lord hates and love the things that the Lord loves. What the Bible calls sin we must hate. It matters not what your political affiliation is or what your hobby is or what you like. If it is called sin by the Bible from the Lord, we must hate it, and we must love what the Lord loves.
Third, we don’t know for sure who the Nicolaitans were. It is possible that they were followers of Nicolas, one of the first deacons mentioned in Acts 6. Regardless, we know from Revelation 2:14-15 that they were connected to the church at Pergamos and those that taught the doctrine of Balaam.
Finally, in verse 3, Jesus appreciated the Ephesian church’s perseverance. They had not grown weary. They never went into retirement mode. They kept fighting the good fight of faith.
We can transition from one life stage to another and even retire from a place of employment, but we cannot cease to do the Lord’s work. Jesus appreciated their perseverance.
- Jesus’ Complication with Ephesian Church, Revelation 2:4.
4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.
In verse 4, Jesus said He had one thing against the Ephesian church or one rebuke. They had one problem, one area of concern, one reason they were not excelling.
They had left their first love.
Commentators have filled thousands of pages pontificating as to what this first love was. Had they left their love for one another? That’s possible.
Had they left their love of ministry? That is not likely considering what Jesus appreciated about them.
I would contend this morning that the Ephesian church had left their first love of Jesus. I’m not saying they had abandoned the faith.
I’m saying they were doing the right things with a cold heart. They were busy, but their motivation was empty.
They had left their first love, and that was their love for God and His Son. Jesus tells us in the Gospels that the greatest commandment of all is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.
However, our love can wane. Our love can dwindle. Our love can grow cold.
We see it in marriages all the time. Husband and wife are married for twenty and thirty and forty years, but then their love for one another begins to wane, and instead of correcting that problem, they continue out of habit or duty. Then one day, they finally decide to end the marriage and love relationship with a divorce.
Brothers and sisters, have you left your first love, and again, I’m not talking about your spouse, your family, your team, your business or your candidate. I’m talking about Jesus.
- Jesus’ Exhortation for the Ephesian Church, Revelation 2:5.
5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.
In verse 5, Jesus exhorted the Ephesians or instructed them or provided them with the resolution to their problem. He gave to them three steps in rekindling their first love.
First, remember. Remember how the relationship used to be. Do you remember when you were first saved? When I was first saved, I read my Bible every day without fail. I prayed long and hard every day without fail. I had a burning desire to witness to every one of my friends in the fourth grade.
We laugh, but we must remember our initial enthusiasm and passion and love for the Lord. Remember the good ole’ days.
If you’re here this morning and your love for your spouse is waning, your marriage is in trouble. Remember today why you married your spouse. Remember when you were dating. Remember when you were engaged. Remember when you were romantic and wanted nothing more than to please and impress your partner. We must remember.
Secondly, we must repent. To repent is to confess and forsake. Jesus called on the Ephesians to repent. They needed to confess that they had left their first love.
They needed to see it is as wrong and bad and a mistake and then forsake their cold hearts. See your waning love as Jesus sees it. It is a complication. It is a problem. It is a barrier in your relationship with the Lord.
Remember. Repent.
Finally, repeat. Do the deeds you did at first. Repeat your initial actions. Repeat your initial enthusiasm. Repeat your initial passion. Repeat your initial love for the Lord.
Look at the end of verse five. If the Ephesian church didn’t repent, the Lord Jesus promised to remove their lampstand. If they didn’t repent, the Lord was going to take away their witness.
In verse 7, the message to the Ephesian church ends with a promise to him who overcomes. This is the follower of Christ. The follower of Christ is one who overcomes by returning to his first love, and Jesus promises eternal life, eating of the tree of life in the Paradise of God or heaven.
So what do we do EBC? We remember. We repent. We repeat or love Jesus again with everything we are and everything we have.
Brothers and sisters, if we don’t love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, we are no more than a civic organization, a community group.
Now, I am not speaking negatively of them. They serve. They provide. They encourage our community. We do the same, but our motivation and the driving force behind all we do must be our passionate, all-consuming, white-hot love of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
What is it that we repeat? I want to challenge you to do what those that love Jesus ought to do. Talk to Him through prayer. Hear from Him by reading His word, and tell others about Him in sharing your testimony, what He has done in your life.
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